Level 1 Coaching Course

NLP Practitioner Certification

Receive Internationally recognised certificates in NLP, Time Line Therapy Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching

Next Training Dates: Oct 28 - Nov 3, 2024

Transform Your Thinking

You are the product of your thoughts. Your thinking is where all creation begins, wanted or unwanted. Therefore, thinking is where you must begin in order to create the results you want in life.

Most people try to 'do' more rather than become more effective. Until eventually the exhausting merry go round of spending longer hours at work or researching more, or buying more books is clearly NOT going to get the desired outcome. Sound familiar?

Then its time to strip back to basics and make the changes where they will have the greatest effect on the outcome.

Changing your thinking, focus and emotional map is the only real sustainable path to sustained success and well being. That's why happy and successful people spend time working on themselves first, even when it seems unnecessary at the time. When the foundation is strong, you can build anything on it.


This Course is For You if:

  • You have a passion for helping others
  • You know there is a connection between what you think and the results you get
  • You want to learn more about the power of your thinking
  • You want to change habits, release past negative emotions and eliminate limiting beliefs
  • You know there's more for you and you're ready to create the future you want
  • You have big goals for yourself and want the best tools to achieve them faster and with less effort.
  • You want proven strategies to make life-long changes
  • You enjoy experiential learning
  • You're ready to invest in yourself and ready for change

Learn 4 Leading Personal Development Modalities

Get certified at the Practitioner level in NLP, Time Line Therapy®, NLP Coaching and Hypnotherapy.

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming):

NLP is how the language of the mind leads to the results you get in life. Essentially the methodology of NLP helps us to understand how the thoughts we think, and the language we use creates our reality. When you understand the language of your mind, you can make changes to your internal processing to create different results.


Hypnotherapy is a tool used to make long lasting changes to behaviours, beliefs and thinking by accessing the parts of the mind where patterns are held. The reason this works so effectively is because the process of hypnosis opens up deep parts of the mind that are usually not accessible. This allows for lasting change in the unconscious mind, not just the conscious mind.

Time Line Therapy®:

Time Line Therapy® is a set of tools used to help people let go of negative emotions and limiting decision from the past, create a new compelling future and release specific issues like phobias and anxiety. This is an great tool because it allows clients to let go of past issues, trauma, hurt, etc quickly, and then focus on the future they want rather than reliving the past. It's true freedom.

NLP Coaching:

NLP Coaching is a framework for working with client or yourself using the above tools to create specific directed outcomes.

About the Course:

We take our classes through a deep coaching process where they get to experience the power of coaching firsthand, and completely transform themselves.  

This is done through a combination of in depth transformational group coaching, as well as extensive partner work, where each student will have the opportunity to be the client and the coach. 

You'll first learn the theory behind each coaching tool, see a live demonstration and then experience it for yourself in partners or small groups.

This unique approach produces the deepest change in our students and also equips them with the internal certainty to thrive in any circumstances.

Rather than giving you a fish, we will teach you how to fish so you can continue your growth and development beyond the course.

You'll not only transform yourself, you will also receive internationally recognised certifications to share this powerful set of tools with others if you choose to.  

Come to Breakthrough Your Own Limitations

& Learn to Help Others do the Same

What You'll Learn:

This course is made up of 4 key modalities of personal change and transformation. Throughout the live training and at-home study portion of the course, you'll delve deep into the theory behind each modality and have a chance to practice and experience the techniques of deep undeniable change. This will allow you to leave with the confidence to use your newly learned skills to help yourself, or start helping others. The 4 modalities include:

  • NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
  • Time Line Therapy
  • Hypnotherapy
  • NLP Coaching

Key Skills You'll learn:

  • How your mind works
  • How to communicate to create agreement and understanding
  • The modalities of communication and how to use them to communicate effectively
  • Strategies of behaviour: both effective and ineffective
  • How to access powerful positive states at will, such as confidence, motivation and clarity
  • Storytelling to create agreement and change
  • Creating goals and outcomes so they are achievable
  • Information processing
  • Language patterns to uncover missing information, assumptions and misunderstandings
  • Language patterns to create agreement, common understanding and trust
  • How to change minor states or behaviours that aren't serving you
  • How to identify and remove internal conflicts
  • How to let go of past negative emotions that are running in the background of life
  • How to identify and remove limiting beliefs and decisions that are preventing you from having the life you want
  • How the state of hypnosis actually works (not how it looks on the movies!) and how to safely and effectively use this state to create changes in you behaviour and beliefs
  • Outcome-focussed coaching techniques that can be applied to self and others
  • Questions to uncover the deeper issues and problems leading to undesired results and behaviour

How is the Course Structured?

At Home Study Program

When you sign up you'll receive your at home study program which includes:

  • 2 Industry leading books
  • 16 hour audio program
  • The NLP Course manual

The Live Training

This is where you'll learn the theory behind every technique we teach in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy, and NLP Coaching. You'll see live demonstrations, experience all the tools for yourself as both the practitioner and the client. This will give you a deep understanding of each tool so you can use them beyond the course.

Facebook Community

Get access to our exclusive Facebook community where you can connect to fellow students, and access extra learning resources including live demonstrations, audio recordings and supplementary guides. This is the best place to get support directly from us as you implement your tools into your life.

Lifetime Support

You will have life time access to our trainers and coaches before, during and after your training. If you need guidance, ask us!

The Course Day by Day:

Day 1:

  • How your mind works
  • How we create behaviours and deep unconscious patterns
  • NLP Framework & Coaching Mindset
  • Creating deep connections with others
  • Understanding our own preferences, patterns and communication styles
  • Communication for deeper connection and understanding

Day 2:

  • Communication to create connection and influence
  • Questions and answers to uncover deeper problems and root cause
  • Lateral thinking and advanced problem solving
  • Anchoring to create desired states instantly like motivation, confidence, certainty, clarity

Day 3:

  • Understanding how we encode problems unconsciously
  • The 'Quick fixes' of NLP to release bad habits and minor negative states
  • Learn how to stop cravings
  • Stop bad habits
  • Change states like nervousness, annoyance, avoidance

Day 4:

  • Patterns of behaviour and how they're formed from an early age
  • Reading other peoples eye patterns to understand their internal state
  • Common patterns and strategies and how to detect and utilise them for change

Day 5:

  • Time Line Therapy
  • Role of your conscious and unconscious mind
  • How we create meaning in our experiences
  • How past negative emotions effect us
  • Letting go of past negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, guilt & limiting decisions
  • Letting go of anxiety
  • Eliminating phobias easily
  • Freeing up your energy for the present moment and creating the future
  • Creating 'future memories' using the power of your mind to set goals that stick
  • Understanding fragmentation and how to integrate internal conflicts

Day 6:

  • Coaching framework for lasting results
  • How to use NLP, Time Line Therapy & Hypnosis effectively with clients
  • The client coaching cycle: working with people from first contact to the sessions and beyond
  • Effective frames for Coaching and using NLP in business and other settings
  • Coaching yourself effectively
  • Tasking & ordeals to create self sufficient clients
  • Marketing and sales introduction

Day 7:

  • The history of Hypnosis
  • What is Hypnosis and how does it work
  • Milton Erickson inductions
  • Hypnotic deepening techniques
  • Hypnosis in your every day experience
  • Brainwashing vs Hypnosis - why they are NOT the same thing!
  • Using a pendulum with hypnosis to stimulate the body's ability to heal
  • How to write hypnotic suggestions
  • Graduation and certificates!!

What's Included in Your Enrolment:

  • 7 Day Live Training (either in person or online)
  • 16 Hour Audio Program on NLP
  • NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching Course Manuals
  • Books: NLP Demystified, Time Line Therapy and The Basis of Personality
  • Mini NLP Ebook
  • Facebook Group with past students and exclusive content
  • Certifications in NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching

What Others Are Saying:

" All the content the courses offer can be applied in many different ways to reach your desired result. For me starting my own business in coaching, improving the way I see my health, relationships, and overall personal development. Jeremy and Alana have been supportive over the courses and throughout my progress, and I can’t thank them enough!”
~Joseph MacDonald

Alana & Jeremy are great. They made the whole process of learning and practicing this huge topic pleasant and easy, and much more enjoyable than I expected. Highly recommended.”
~Vesna Grunevska

“This course is an absolute must for everyone on the planet. It WILL change your life.”
~Clinton Matthews

New Results Require New Thinking.

Next Live Training Dates
Oct 28 - Nov 3, 2024

Regular Price $5495
Early Bird: $4396 (20%OFF)


Enroll Now and Receive Your at Home Study Materials Straight Away!

Your enrolment pack includes:

  • 16 Hour Audio Program  
  • Your NLP Course Manual 
  • The Magic of NLP Demystified 
  • Time Line Therapy® & the Basis of Personality 

Receive internationally recognised certifications in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy® and NLP Coaching upon completion of the training. You will also be able to join the International Institute of Complementary Therapists (IICT).

Meet The Trainers:

Jeremy Hills

Trainer + Coach
Jeremy is passionate about assisting his students and clients in achieving outstanding results by learning to harness the power of their thinking. His straight forward approach allows everyone he works with to finally get the to bottom of what’s in the way of them achieving their next level of greatness in business, relationships or health. Jeremy is an internationally certified Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP, Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy® and NLP Coaching.

Alana Diebel Inner Results

Alana Diebel

Student Support, Trainer + Coach

Alana has over 10 years experience in Personal Development, originally attending courses in Toronto, Canada. Her passion is helping others break down and eliminate limitations in their thinking so they can live extraordinary lives. She loves answering questions and applying concepts of NLP and Personal Development to all aspects of life including business, relationships and health.

Become a Coach & Breakthrough Your Own Limitations to Take Your Personal & Professional Life to the Next Level.


Will there be practice time durning the course?

Yes. We focus heavily on the practical side of things in our trainings. With every tool you learn, there will be live supervised practice time in the training with supervision and feedback from one of our trainers or experienced training assistants. We ensure every student has success with every process before moving on.

How many students are typically in each training?

We typically have between 6 and 12 students at each event, ensuring that you will have ample opportunities to ask questions pertaining to your specific needs.

Will I be working on my own 'stuff' in this course?

Yes you will have the oppourtunity to work through some of your own stuff in this course. You will be learning each personal development tool by first learning how it works and then practicing it with partners as both the client as the practitioner in supervised exercises.

When will I receive my certificates?

Everything required to be certified will be completed during the training with us including:

  • Successful completion of all the skills learned (supervised by training assistants)
  • The written open book assessment

Once you have completed the course and your course fees have been paid in full, we will issue your certificates to you. If you have paid in full prior to the training, you will receive your certificates on the last day. Otherwise, they will be posted to you when payment is made in full.

Will I get support after the training?

Yes. We offer lifetime support to our students. You are welcome to call or email us with questions about what you learned in this training. We also have a private Facebook Group Inner Results: The Next Level where we post additional support documents and tips for our past students

What if I don't want to work with clients?

That's totally fine. Many of our students attend our trainings for personal or professional development purposes only and have no intention of working with clients. Come and experience the transformation with all the tools and learn how to keep implementing them in your life beyond the training

Next Live Training Dates:
Oct 28 - Nov 3, 2024

Regular Price $5495
Early Bird: $4396 (20%OFF)

Contact Us.

Fill in the contact form here or contact us directly.

+61 426 832 581

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