1-on-1 Coaching

Reach Your Next Level

Tailored Coaching for Business Owners & Executives for Exponential Growth.

You Are The Key to Your Business

As the leader, you decide the pace, direction and focus of your entire business. Therefore, if you're not 100% aligned then your business suffers, or at the very least doesn't live up to its potential.

Leaders know that the most important indicator of effective leadership is the ability to lead yourself. This is why it's absolutely paramount to continuously be growing and crafting your mindset and focus to perform at an optimal level.

We help entrepreneurs and leadership teams grow their business with professional development workshops & high performance coaching.

We will tailor a solution to help your business & team reach your next level of growth. Areas where we typically help businesses to improve & grow are:

  • Organisational Culture
  • Leadership
  • Sales
  • Communication
  • Customer Service
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Negotiation
  • Recruitment & retaining high level talent
  • Increase Revenue & Team Performance

We will inspire your team to grow, develop synergistic team relationships, and learn practical skills to deal with obstacles & thrive in challenging circumstances.

Our workshop solutions typically vary from 3 hrs to 12 hrs delivered in an intensive format, or over several days or weeks.

If you are a CEO or Executive wanting to perform at your very best, we also offer 1 on 1 immersive coaching packages to assist you in identifying blindspots in your business and approach, and creating the strategies for reaching new heights in business.

We also offer group or 1 on 1 coaching for teams and managers.

As Warren Buffet says “The more you learn the more you earn”

The more learning, feedback, accountability & coaching you receive from us the fast growth you will experience.

Wherever you are at in your business we will work out the perfect solution to help you obtain your next level.

Coaching Programs:

1-on-1 Business Breakthrough

  • Identify & eliminate negative patterns holding you back
  • Master your focus & develop an abundant mindset
  • Be more resourceful & create more opportunities
  • Create motivation & follow through
  • Gain clarity & improve efficiency
  • Increase Productivity & fulfilment
  • Reach Your next level & exponential grow

On Going Coaching

  • Maximise your productivity & efficiency
  • Ongoing accountability & feedback
  • Create consistent results & sustainable growth
  • Maintain clarity & certainty moving forward
  • Always be challenged & inspired to be your best
  • This is ideal to package together with a Personal Breakthrough Session

In House Team Training:

Tailored Workshops

Areas of focus:

  • Leadership
  • Company Culture
  • Staff recruitment and retention
  • Communication
  • Customer Service
  • Workplace conflict

We will tailor our workshop to your specific needs based on our discussion with you.

What Others Are Saying About Us:

Whether for personal empowerment and transformation or to advance your professional practice,
I strongly urge you to take advantage of the courses and worksheets offered by Inner Results. In case you're sitting on the fence...go for it!

You'll be delighted that you did

~ Lee,

Vancouver Canada

Thank you so much for the amazing support after finishing your courses.

Unbelievable actually and truly appreciated.

You truly go way beyond and this in itself is worth absolute gold.

~ Rita,

Perth Australia

My training at Inner Results has shown me how to be aware of my unconscious thoughts and how by ignoring those unconscious thoughts I have been quietly sabotaging myself for quite a few years now.

I now have the confidence, strength and energy to live my life in the way that I want to.

~ Samantha,

Perth Australia

Meet Jeremy.

Jeremy is passionate about helping businesses achieve outstanding results by learning to harness the power of their thinking. His straightforward approach allows everyone he works with to finally get the to bottom of what’s in the way of them achieving their next level of greatness in business. Jeremy is an internationally certified Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP, Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy® and NLP Coaching.

Take Yourself
& Your Business
to The Next Level

Learn how to be mentally & emotionally resourceful to lead in the face of adversity. Develop a new perspective to discover new opportunities.

Obtain proven strategies to consistently grow & produce extraordinary results.

Schedule a 20 min consultation to discover how your business can grow
& reach the next level.

Contact Us.

Fill in the contact form here or contact us directly.

+61 426 832 581

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